2010年11月11日 星期四

Exercise No. 23 Summarized Thoughts

Finally, the journey is over. In my opinion, I can learn a lot of thing from these Web 2.0 tools. However, the Web 2.0 is still moving forward. We need to learn as much as possible to stay current with the technology. It is not only to learn more but also to choose what we librarians should learn.  It is impossible to learn all the Web 2.0 tools, not to mention there will be always another new tool releasing. Therefore, librarians have to find out what is the suitable supplement to library.

However, technology is always the supplements of library. As librarian became more and more specializing, it is necessary to cultivate suitable technology instinct to know what is necessary to their specialization.

Exercise No. 22 Discovering Web 2.0 tools

In this section, I choose Last.com. It is a powerful online database to search music. After subscribe it, you can access to almost what you want to listen immediately. It includes a lot of albums, radio and so forth. For the most important, it supports the Chinese version despite in simplified Chinese. Besides, ti renders a lot of description of the work which can enhance your understanding of music. It also connect to Amazon that you can buy if you appreciate it. In brief, it is a website which not only render knowledge but also entertainment.

Exercise No. 21 Library 2.0

In my viewpoint, library 2.0 is to rethink what can librarian do in the future. As we knew that conventional library operation will be replace by new thoughts because of changing of mind, what we librarian can do in the future. We are not only to preserve, collect books but also to form new view to constitute the librarian. How could we deal with information overload? How could we do for our patron in a different way? The answer will be library 2.0. As we move forward, we need to know how to deal with above-mentioned question. We can't hide in the staff without thinking about this question anymore. As John. J. Riemer and Rick Anderson mentioned, Library 2.0 is correlated with Web 2.0. As the Internet became essential part of library and library are forced  to offer more service from these Web 2.0 tools, librarians have to face this circumstance no matter which position you are in.

Exercise No. 20 Zotero

For me, Zotero is something very convenient for doing research. As I search something in the online database, I can download the information from it. Therefore, I won't be necessary to bring the article with me all the time. What I will do is to extract my file from Zotero database . All in all, it is a useful tool to do research. The following is my library.

Exercise No. 19 Rollyo

To me, it is the first time to know about Rollyo. It is quite useful tool to build up a unique search. However, it takes time to choose what you want to include in your search engine. Besides, you need to understand well about the website you selected in your search. Otherwise, it just like you select several website and put into a virtual searching engine. In my opinion, it is merely put a infant searching engine for what you selected.

The following is my searching engine

Powered by Rollyo

Exercise No. 18 Library thing

It is until now that I encounter a tool which is useful to catalog in the 23 things. Library thing is an online selection tool for books. If you check for book in English, it is quite powerful. However, if you want to find other language such as book in Chinese, it is hard to do that. I have to find the translation format of the book. Therefore, compared with Worldcat , it seems not as powerful as it expected because Worldcat supports the chinese version. 

However, excerpt the language barrier, library thing is powerful. You can check out almost every book in English. The follwoing is my collection list.

Exercise No. 17 Google tools

Google is not only a good searching engine but also a good online tool provider. To me, the most useful is Google scholar. Although compared with online Database such as H.W Wilson or so forth, Google scholar is relatively less powerful. However, as a free database to search scholar article, it is a good option to try those search when you don't have access to those subscription online database.

Google earth is another cool thing. By that, you can access almost every part of our world, even the front yard of my home. As you can access to the Internet, ti is available to have those through Google.

In short, what Google tool did has enormously outweigh our imagination and it is possible that there will be another new tool to use in the future.

Exercise No.16 Google Docs

To most of us, google docs are not something extremely new. I rarely used before because it can't be the same as Microsoft word. However, when you need to preserve or share something like note presentation and so forth, it is a useful tool.

For me, the most useful aspect of google docs is that you can share the file through website without going through hard-drives or flash-drives. When you need other's note about a class, it is easy to get it through google docs. Just click on share, you can get what you need effortless.

Google docs is quite a powerful tool despite that it can't be the same as Microsoft word.

Exercise No. 15 Wiki

For our generation. wiki is already familiar for most of us. However, because of the quality problem, people are always doubtful of Wikipedia. To me, it is a good place to start out finding or knowing something you want, but only limited to the first step. You need further search to check the fidelity of it.

Nevertheless, the wiki for library is quite useful. For example, Book Lovers Wiki is a good choice  to find the commentary of the book you want to search. The permission for access to edit website is a very good idea. It could prevent the problem of giving access to people without enough knowledge to edit the website. There is also a lot of Library wiki available in the website. However, the credibility is still questionable.

In short, library wiki is a good place to know about books, especially when you need to find what others think about something.

Exercise No. 14 Technorati

For me. Technorati is a good website to search RSS feeds. However, if it comes to find the blog, it seems limited to that aspects. As we try the search of learning 2.0, the difference between searching blog and post is huge. You can get a lot of searching outcome form searching posts. However, almost all of them are irrelevant. The blog searching is more associated with the title. However, only one searching result is found.

To the Top 100 blogs, those are interesting. Daily finance and Naked Capitalism are two of my favorites. There is a lot website which is worth to search in this list. However, excerpt this list, Technorati didn't render as many useful aspects as I expected.

In short, it is a website which is worth to use. However, it might be a disappointing website when you navigate thorough it.

Exercise No. 13 Del.icio.us

First of all, it is the first time for me to use Delicious. Because I have yahoo. account, so I can access it without any subscription. To me, delicious is kind of material commentary and connection website. You can search a lot of useful website from delicious without navigating through the vast website. It is useful to tag your searching outcome which you think is useful. Therefore, you can create your own website library by Delicious. By cataloging, you can easily access these website without navigate the web.

However, because it is available to general public, the controlling vocabulary it used is defined by the user. Therefore, the controlling vocabulary didn't have universal standard like what LC have. You might get into trouble when searching for something when its controlling vocabulary mistakingly correlated  with other thing. Moreover, you can't exclude what you don't need because the searching engine can't do that.

In short, Delicious is a useful. However, it still have difficulty to use as a database.