2010年11月11日 星期四

Exercise No. 13 Del.icio.us

First of all, it is the first time for me to use Delicious. Because I have yahoo. account, so I can access it without any subscription. To me, delicious is kind of material commentary and connection website. You can search a lot of useful website from delicious without navigating through the vast website. It is useful to tag your searching outcome which you think is useful. Therefore, you can create your own website library by Delicious. By cataloging, you can easily access these website without navigate the web.

However, because it is available to general public, the controlling vocabulary it used is defined by the user. Therefore, the controlling vocabulary didn't have universal standard like what LC have. You might get into trouble when searching for something when its controlling vocabulary mistakingly correlated  with other thing. Moreover, you can't exclude what you don't need because the searching engine can't do that.

In short, Delicious is a useful. However, it still have difficulty to use as a database.

